365 Days of Happy – Month 9
Sorry I haven’t updated much this past month. I’m absolutely snowed under with work, to the point where I’ve had to meticulously plan out the whole of this month (up to Christmas) to be sure that I’ll actually be able to get it all done. I’m working six, sometimes seven long days a week to get through it all, and I’m knackered! I’m really looking forward to a couple of weeks off over Christmas, during which I will hopefully have time to do some more blogging. In the meantime, here are the results of month 9 of my 365 Days of Happy Instagram challenge (mostly boring photos this month, because I’ve hardly had any time to get out and do anything), which I’m now three quarters of the way through! That means only three more months left to complete the remaining things on my 30 Before 30 list – and three months until I’m officially no longer in my twenties! Argh!
Day 247
A delicious slice of French flan, kindly bought for us from a French market by my in-laws.
Day 248
One of my favourite meals – chicken fajitas!
Day 249
Catching up on my scrapbooking after a busy summer. I’m going to need a whole other scrapbook for my honeymoon stuff!
Day 250
Husband making me my dinner.
Day 251
Beautiful if short-lived blue skies – Lee was overjoyed to be off the ground after days of rainy weather!
Day 252
A busy day of working followed by the Indian for a meal with friends, and I was so busy I forgot to take a photo. So this is my phone screen, which makes me happy every time I see it.
Day 253
Among the Christmas presents for other people, lots of exciting post for me: a lovely book to read next month, my new business cards, and a letter from Grandad!
Day 254
A lovely day in Bath with my dear friend Emma. We went to Thermae Bath Spa and did some Christmas shopping.
Day 255
Sparkling rose (left over from the M&S meal deal), for no other reason than that it was Monday and we’d both had a productive day.
Day 256
A cosy night in with warm socks, wine and Christmas catalogues while the storm raged outside.
Day 257
I felt thoroughly traumatised after a visit to the evil dental hygienist (seriously, why would you become one of those?), so we called in at an aquatics shop on the way home to admire the fish.
Day 258
Dinner with the in-laws at The Castle, Edgehill.
Day 259
Cuddles with this little baby and many more :)
Day 260
The only thing for it with these long, dark nights is to light lots of lovely candles.
Day 261
Blue sky, which I had to look at from the ground while working, while Lee and many others flew over me.
Day 262
Beautiful frost – the first of the year, I think. I love frost.
Day 263
Feeling satisfied, having almost done all my Christmas shopping (virtually all online). This is a small corner of the big box I’ve bought for all Lee’s presents.
Day 264
I finally got airborne again – first proper flying I’ve done for two months! It was only a circuit in the Robin, but luckily I wasn’t *too* rusty.
Day 265
The rain left behind beautiful raindrops on everything in the garden.
Day 266
Supervising lots of little puppies playing excitedly with the leaves!
Day 267
An evening at the cinema watching the lovely Maggie Smith film, “The Lady in the Van”.
Day 268
Nice and cosy working at the airfield with the log burner going.
Day 269
Delicious lasagne made by my Grandad!
Day 270
First door open on my lovely advent calendar featuring… Christmas gnomes?!
Day 271
Lunch at the 1940s-themed tearoom in Stratford with old friends.
Day 272
Our beautiful companion for coffee and cake with my Guide Dogs friends. This is Izzy, sister of Ike, a pup I used to look after at the training school.
Day 273
Giant puppy or tiny washing machine?!
Day 274
Lee was over the moon to win a Subway platter, which kept us going through yet another working day!
Day 275
Making a delicious, comforting casserole in my lovely terracotta pot.
Day 276
A video instead of a pic – a flypast from Lee in the Robin. Click below to watch the video! Sorry it’s a bit shaky – I was trying to wave and film at the same time.